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No One Should Go Hungry This Ramzan

While we break our fast with warm meals and family gatherings, many families have nothing to eat at iftar. Ramzan is a time of fasting, but for too many, it’s also a time of hunger. At Al Taqwa Trust, we are committed to ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry this Ramzan. Through your generosity, we provide Ramzan Ration Packs to struggling families, helping them observe the holy month with dignity.

Our Challenge –The Struggle of Hunger in Ramzan

The Harsh Truth:

  • Families with no food for suhoor or iftar.
  • Mothers watching their children sleep hungry.
  • People fasting the entire day with nothing to break their fast.

Ramzan should bring peace, not suffering. Together, we can feed those in need.

How We Make a Difference

Each Ramzan Ration Pack Includes:

  • Flour, Rice & Lentils – The essentials to prepare meals.
  • Sugar, Cooking Oil & Tea – Daily necessities for a month.
  • Dates & Other Staples – To ensure a nutritious iftar & suhoor.

How You Can Help

  • Donate a Ration Pack – Provide food for an entire family.
  • Give Zakat & Sadaqah – Your contributions will directly feed the needy.
  • Raise Awareness– Encourage friends and family to support this cause.

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